"For this God is our God for ever and ever; He will be our guide even to the end." Psalm 48:14
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Respectable Sins

Monday, February 25, 2008
Encourage One Another: Diana Nichol
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Creative Outlets

I have not taken any sewing classes beyond reading the sewing machine manual, so if anyone has an idea of where to take a great beginners' class, I'd appreciate any ideas. I looked into Tall Mouse and Joann's Fabrics as possibilities, and they might work. Also, if you have any fun, creative project ideas for a true beginner, I'd love direction. Thanks!

Monday, February 18, 2008
Purity: A Proactive Pursuit in Marriage

Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more. 2 For you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus.
3 It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; 4 that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, 5 not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God; 6 and that in this matter no one should wrong his brother or take advantage of him. The Lord will punish men for all such sins, as we have already told you and warned you. 7 For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. 8 Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Dress Up

Friday, February 15, 2008
Valentine's Dinner

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008
This is the Day That the Lord Has Made

"This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be
glad in it."
Sunday, February 3, 2008
The Miss America Syndrome: Finding Contentment

The last point of his sermon--aim for contentment--struck me. It certainly is hard to not covet and want more "stuff" in South Orange County, but I would have to say I, personally, have more sinful areas to which this point applies.
Ladies, you may find me being brutally honest (and it might hit home for you too), but I realized that my lack of contentment is in the area of beauty and body image. At whatever weight I am at, I find myself unhappy. I watch my diet, work out often and still have a nice ten pounds to lose. When I see my peers eating whatever they choose and dropping their baby weight quickly to get back to their skinny pre-pregnancy bodies, I want to scream! This is jealousy and covetousness. Just recently, I've started looking at my face in the mirror to see some droops and wrinkles that weren't there before. I pull back my skin a bit and see the glowing 20-something year old I knew several years back. This is just plain pride and vanity. When I read magazines, I see the trendy clothes and beautiful dresses on the pages and wish I could buy those items AND look like the 15 year old model wearing them. My thoughts can become, "If only I were taller, skinnier, prettier, etc."
Pastor Mike told us that "coveting is a rebellion against the sovereignty of God." Indeed, God gives us each what we need in life, and He desires us to have a holy and content joy in what He has given us. We are to be thankful for everything! I Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." As an illustration to this point, Pastor Mike went on to explain that sometimes he craves a buttery, sizzling Ruth's Chris steak. However, on his thirty minute lunch break, he zips down to Taco Bell and gets a bean burrito. He has the choice to choke on every bite and bitterly wish he had the steak, or he can be grateful for the cheesy, beany, warm burrito in his hands. Though it isn't that steak, it is delicious and it feeds him. He can choose contentment.
That choice and fight resonates with me. I have found I have to actively fight my covetousness and choose contentment. I had to stop subscribing to my In Style magazine because I found myself dissatisfied with my wardrobe and self-image after reading it. When I find myself coveting another person's appearance, I have to count my blessings and remember that I have MANY things for which to be thankful--a thanks list is a great daily exercise. For example, I have my health, I certainly don't have a severe weight problem, and I have a husband who thinks I'm pretty. I have to stop wincing when I see old pictures of my face and body, when I wore a size 2 and the word "wrinkle" wasn't even in my vocabulary. Though I want to be clear that this is NOT an excuse to gain 20 pounds and quit taking care of myself. This also does not necessarily mean dieting, working out or trying to put myself together is wrong. It all comes back to my motives and my contentment. I want to be beautiful for my husband, and he tells me all the time that I am. Unfortunately, I tune out his affirmation and dismiss his compliments. When I care more about my own desires than the content attitude of my husband, I know I am in the realm of sin.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
The Bahamas
Our trip to the Bahamas was wonderful. From the moment we stepped off the plane to smell the sweet, sticky air of the tropics, we felt relaxed. In retrospect, the weather was not spectacular. It poured one of our days there, it was clear and perfect one of our days there, and it was cloudy and muggy on two of our days there. However, we were not there to have perfect tans. Our objective to spend time together and take a break from our busy schedules was achieved. To see how God was able to use our trip, read my post below.
We spent many hours reading by the pool, playing tennis in the morning, playing pool in the billiards room after dinner, playing cards in the late afternoon, and eating meal after meal of delicious food. We tried to burn some of the calories with two morning gym workouts and three games of competitive tennis, but I still found I ate more than I burned off in exercise. Ah, but that is one of the delights of vacation! We also went on a snorkeling expedition one morning and took one afternoon bus trip into Nassau. Overall, it was a special trip, and I will have fond memories of our Bahamian retreat--standing still for five days, just to laugh with and remember the blessing of my husband.