I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
you have done marvelous things,
things planned long ago." Isaiah 25:1
My husband and I have never been accused of being spontaneous. We are planners. Every aspect of our life is on the calendar or thought out ahead of time. However, we know there is a fine balance between planning, being prudent and yet allowing God to lead you in His will--in His direction.
This month, I had a couple of unexpected turns in my plans or calendar. From past experience, I know it is wise to trust God when He has plans that differ from mine. This doesn't make it easy to completely let go, but it gives me hope and encouragement when I am on a strange path of life. God's plans are faithful, good and loving. Though it isn't always comfortable going in an unplanned direction, I love it when plans are only in God's control and I can just let Him lead.
I used to love Robert Frost's poem The Road Not Taken. It was so full of melancholy, strength and vivid analogy, that I was drawn in the first time I read that poem on my mother's classroom wall. As I have grown in my walk with God, I have realized the difference between a Christian and the narrator of that poem. There is no wistful looking back on choices if God is leading. When I try to guide myself, I definitely might make wrong turns, regret decisions I made or wonder what life would have offered if I had taken such-and-such a path . . . However, whether a road is well trodden or unfamiliar, if God is leading, I am going in the right direction. What comfort and peace there is in God being the Master of your life!
Thank you, Lord, for giving me direction and caring for me each and every moment of my day!