Friday, July 13, 2007

Humble Beginnings

Well, I was not sure I wanted to take the time to commit to blogging each day (Ha!--okay, every few days). I also wasn't so sure about what I would write. However, my almost forgotten love for writing has combined with my enjoyment of reading all of my friends blogs. I was also spending an inordinate amount of time annoying everyone with numerous e-mails, and I thought that blogging will give my typing hobby an outlet. I love to muse over others' devotional lessons and questions, and I hope I can add a little enjoyment to other people's readings too. Forgive my humble attempts at beginning this blog, and I'll try to improve as I go along.
Today as I was reading my devotions, I came across the verse from II Corinthians 15:58. It reminds us to "Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." I was feeling a bit blue about an activity I was organizing for church that many people couldn't attend. It was a great reminder to look past myself and my effort to the good that God would create from my labor for Him. If only one person attended my event, God would still use my work to bless that person or, perhaps, to grow ME in my walk. I certainly need more reminders that my efforts have nothing to do with me, especially when my plans might be interrupted or changed. Is there something that is coming to your own mind in which you have labored for the Lord, but it isn't quite showing the fruit you expected or thought? Remember that God uses any work "in the Lord" for His good, and don't be discouraged. Keep witnessing, keep praying, keep writing those notes of encouragement, keep visiting, keep leading that group, keep discipling, keep admonishing, keep loving and KEEP WAITING ON THE LORD!


Sarah Cox said...

Wonderful job, Chiara. So cute! (Also, I recently found out that you can get emails when you receive comments on your blog? that's fun). Looking forward to reading & hearing from you!

Laura said...

I'm so glad you are blogging! Your page is great (and inspiring to step mine up). Looking forward to reading about all your adventures.

Ryan Hawley said...

Nice job, babe! It looks great.