Thursday, September 13, 2007

Encourage One Another: Dan and Beth Lauder

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." I Thessalonians 5:11
It is time for a I Thessalonians 5:11 visit! This post is such a joy for me to write, because it is the culmination of YEARS of prayer and supplication on this couple's behalf. I am so happy to rejoice with them, and I hope you do too as I tell their story . . .
Dan and Beth Lauder have been close friends of ours for about five years now. We met them at a marriage Bible study, where they were our small group leaders. Their biblical dependence and caring hearts set them apart immediately. We knew we had found a couple who loved the Lord and others.
Through the years, I have been in accountability, along with numerous Bible studies, with Beth. We both have similar job experiences, teaching in the same school district. I count her as a dear friend and sister-in-Christ. She and Dan have ALWAYS had servants' hearts, continually serving others in small group leadership, in sending cards of encouragement to people who are in need of support, in helping with youth ministries and in taking the time to really listen to and know those around them.
Over the years, we have been praying for the most wonderful blessing for their family--a baby. Knowing both of them well, we knew that they would be incredible, godly parents. Through the years, Beth and Dan have clung to Christ and come back to Him over and over again with open hands, giving all their desires and dreams to Him. They relied on His good timing, His direction and His path for them. Their faith remained strong. In fact, their Christian walks flourished and their boldness was sharpened. They embodied the promise of Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
He said "no" for awhile. Though this has HURT tremendously at times, through the tears, they always saw the cross and the hope that God has given them in their salvation. They knew His choice was the best for them. Romans 8:18, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."
Well, I am so pleased to say that God's choice was to give them a baby this week. A sweet, beautiful baby girl is blessing their socks off, and I am moved to tears with joy and thankfulness to our precious, precious Savior. I know that if God had continued to say "no" to a baby, they would have followed Him in their faith all the way, knowing His plan was best. This is the wonderful example they are to all of us.
Joy in all circumstances--that is the Lauders. His grace is sufficient, but He allows us even more because He loves us! What a wonderful, gracious Savior.

"Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him!
" Psalm 147:1


Tall Tale of a Teacher! said...

What an amazing story of keeping your eyes on the cross!

Anonymous said...

Praise God for this answer to prayer! The Lauders are a great couple and will be even greater parents. Our church is blessed to have them as a part of our body!

Congratulations on the new addition to the family Beth and Dan! I will be praying that God goes ahead of us and prepares the day of her salvation!

Ryan Hawley said...

Thanks, Dan and Beth, for all of the encouragement that you have been to me in your perseverence and faith...