What fun we had last night! We left a bowl of candy on our porch and drove over to Aliso Viejo for our church's Fall Fest. WOW! It was amazing! There was any type of carnival ride you could imagine, free Carl's Jr., free popcorn and cotton candy, photo buttons, pony rides, hay mazes, face painting, balloon animals, and more candy than I've ever seen! Carter was not ready for the fun he had last night. At first he squirmed in his costume, but by the time we left, two and a half hours later, he was grinning from ear to ear, running around and giggling with glee (and he didn't even have more than a bite or two of candy in his system!) He was so sad to say bye-bye to the funnest place he's ever seen--we haven't done Disneyland yet. Hee, hee. The hay maze and swing ride were his favorite by far. We let him do the swings three times, but we cut him off after that because we didn't want him to get sick. He would kick his legs and belly laugh the whole time. It was hilarious! Hay mazes are just perfect for Carter. He's contained and he can run as fast as his hyper little legs will carry him. This one had the bonus of exiting right next to the entrance, so he would just run laps over and over again. It was a crack up!
So many people came! I saw a few people from the elementary school at which I used to teach, which is right around the corner in Aliso Viejo. It was also fun to see what everyone was wearing and see each child in their get-ups. I'm including a few pictures of Carter from the evening. (Ryan took tons of pictures of families in our marriage group--I'll let him show those at our Thrive group and e-mail them to the families.)
You're right! Last night was great..... except for Carl's Jr, of course. How about Taco Bell for next year!!
It looks like you all had sooo much fun! I heard it was an absolute blast. We are excited at the possibilities of next year. And Carter is a very cute bee! I'm sure it fits his stage in life perfectly right now too.
Cutest bee ever! And I love his bee candy holder! So glad you guys had fun at the fall fest! We were planning on going and our night went differently but it was still so much fun!
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