Thursday, April 3, 2008


The following is a post from Pastor Mike Fabarez's blog. Learn more about his, "How to Get Eternal Life" series and see his posts at by clicking on the address link.

True Truth

By Mike Fabarez

Truth is always true. Even so, it is amazing how many people seem to think it’s up for grabs. While we can reasonably reach an impasse as to which restaurant has “the best” Mexican food, when it comes to what you had for lunch yesterday there is a right and wrong answer. That’s the thing about “truth” it’s not true unless it has a correspondence to reality. I may want to believe that I have a million dollars in my checking account and I owe nothing on my credit card, but the bank and MasterCard are always good at evaluating my beliefs against the objectivity of reality. Truth claims about God, Jesus and the afterlife are no different. Either there is a God or there isn’t. Either Jesus is able to take the debt of my sin away or he can’t. I will either cease to exist when I die or face my Maker on the other side. The reality of these truth claims is what matters, not my feelings about them. And that sends me down a different path than most prefer to travel. I must expend my efforts exploring the evidence, not my preferences. I have to investigate facts, not my feelings. It is our job to be truth-seekers not opinion-formulators. I trust that we will be up for the challenge of always seeking to know what’s true, not popular. And as a result I pray that the church will once again be known as the “pillar and foundation of the truth” (1Tim.3:15).


Shannon said...

Chiara, this was such a great post by Pastor Mike. So many people don't know what truth is anymore. I read a statistic by Barna Research this week stating that 53%of church going teens believe Jesus was a sinner! I was absolutely floored! As Christians, we really need to know the truth so we can boldly proclaim it to others and not be led astray ourselves!

Ryan Hawley said...

So many people want to say what you believe is okay for you. But don't force it on other people. Or others say all religions lead to the same place. All of these are based on feelings. And they are based on the pre-existing assumption that there is no absolute truth. But Christianity claime to be precisely that -- absolute truth. It doesn't matter whether you "feel" about it. God's word is God's truth, and we can only accept it or reject it. There is no middle ground of saying its okay for me and your religion is okay for you.