Monday, August 4, 2008

God is Faithful

Lamentations 3:22-23 "Because of His great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness."

Well, I haven't had much energy or concentration to blog, as morning sickness has settled in for a little while. I have a huge praise that, though it is hard and more than what most people experience, my nausea is much less than the severe sickness I had with Carter's pregnancy. I would have required help to take care of Carter if I was as sick as before, so it is a huge answer to prayer that I am making it through my days without trips to the ER for hydration or hours spent curled up on the bathroom floor. God is truly good!

Today I went to the doctor's for my first prenatal appointment (8 weeks), and it was so wonderful! I saw the baby on an internal ultrasound, and I got to see his or her little heart fluttering away. The baby is measuring about three days bigger than my due date (March 15th), but this is quite normal. Carter measured big early on too, but then he was an average size baby at birth (7lb., 7 oz).

Seeing as my tummy is already quite protruding, I was nervous about twins, but only one little baby was there! Again, I showed early with Carter too. I dread it when people ask me how far along I am, as they expect me to say "about 16 weeks." I have already been asked by two strangers if I know the sex of the baby--I am assuming they thought I was about halfway through my pregnancy journey. Oh, well. I know the baby is a healthy size, and my tummy certainly will provide plenty of padding for this little one.

Seeing all the blessings God has poured down upon us, and realizing He gets me through each day of morning sickness with His grace, a song that has been stuck in my head these past few weeks is "Great is Thy Faithfulness." I have been singing it in the shower, the car and around the house. Carter asks, "What you singing about, Mommy?" He asks me this whenever I start singing any song. Seizing the teachable moment, I am able to share with him that I am singing about God's goodness, His promises, and His provision. I love the lyrics to this song:

"Great is Thy Faithfulness,

LORD God, my Father.

There is no shadow of turning with Thee.

Thou changest not. Thy compassions they fail not.

As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.

Great is Thy Faithfulness, Great is Thy Faithfulness.

Morning by morning new mercies I see.

All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided.

Great is Thy faithfulness, LORD unto me."

God has provided abundantly for me through this time of sickness. May I not forget His daily examples of faithfulness and love, even when it is difficult. All praise be to our faithful and merciful Heavenly Father!


Laura said...

I am so glad that your appointment went well this morning. God is faithful. look fabulous!

Amy Kaylor Photography said...

Praise God you are not quite as sickly. I pray that this too shall pass and not be for the entire pregnancy!

Jennifer Gray said...

Oh Chiara so well said once again! It is so true! We are often found saying God is good during the easy times but to be able to really be in the midst of the storm yet thanking God for His goodness and faithfulness really speaks volumes. Our God, THE God of the universe doesn't change, doesn't waiver and neither should our trust and confidence in Him. As I was heading to Orange today for an appt for Jordan I was so vividly remembering the early days that were so hard with her as I made daily trips up there wondering what would become of her and us yet praising God during those trials for His faithfulness. The only thing that has changed since then is that I can see the fruit of His work in my life as a result of those trying times. How great is that! I am so glad to see you coming through your current struggles trusting in the Lord and leaning not on your own understanding. Keep us updated on the pregnancy as you go. :)
much love to you!

Gathered Chick said...

Neat Chiara! "Great is Thy Faithfulness" is one of my favorite hymns, too. Alan and I sang it at his grandfather's funeral - the lyrics are so rich. I'm praying for you to feel 100% soon!
With love, ~ Heidi

Yvonne F. said...

It's so great to see you loving our Lord the way you do Chiara, even in such trying times. Yes you have the joy of your baby to look forward to, but the nausia is real and it can be uncomfortable when people make comments about how far you are. Yet you choose to glorify God. What a wonderfully comforting message from our heavenly Father, that his compassions never fail. I remember hearing a Tozer book on audio about how God doesn't just show us his compassion but he "compassionates" toward us. Thanks for showing us by example of what it means to turn to God with a grateful heart and to come away shining like a star for the kingdom! You are so precious and I'm glad we are sisters in the body of Christ!

Seagers said...

That song is so awesome! Thanks for sharing and reminding me to rejoice in His faithfulness in all circumstances.

Ryan Hawley said...

Good point. We often focus on the negatives during trials. But God is faithful, and that gives us so much to be thankful about.

And I think some people just have no idea about when you find out the sex of the baby. That is just the first question a lot of people think of