For six years now, Ryan and I have participated in a marriage ministry at church. It has evolved over time, beginning as a group for young marrieds with no kids. The group is now much bigger and encompasses marrieds--ages 20's to 40's--with or without kids.
It has been an amazing journey to make friends with other young marrieds before any of us had children and to be there as some of us have had our first and second (and third) babies, as we have struggled with financial difficulties, as we have navigated our marriages with the adjustment of children, as we have grown in our walks with God, and as we have become more apparent and real in our own friendships with one another.
We have the ability to turn to others to ask about quiet time with newborns, disciplining in a Biblical manner, ministering to our spouses in creative ways, potty training, date night ideas, etc, etc. From this group has sprung moms groups, CARE ministries providing meals, flowers, cards and prayer, activities groups (see our 80's night picture above), workout groups, babysitting swaps, open doors into other service areas at church, and a million other networks that bless the socks off many people. There have been a thousand baby showers, dinners brought to families in need, kids clothes and maternity clothes swapped among Thrivers, prayer warriors lifting up anything from doctor's appointments to marital problems, small group Bible studies and accountability meetings.
This Thursday, Thrive starts up again. Ryan and I cannot stress what this group means to us individually and as a couple. We joined the group as an engaged couple six years ago. We quickly found friends who would be dear brothers and sisters in Christ to us. Our marriage has always had a support system through this group and the couples who attend it. From the beginning, we learned the vital importance of centering EVERYTHING on God and His will for us. We have been spurred on and prompted by others going through similar situations.
The purpose of Thrive is to have a group that spurs us on to grow in our walk with God, mature in our relationship with our spouses and deepen our friendship with other couples in our same lifestage. This year we are studying the book of II Timothy. Our theme is "Finish Well." Ryan and I spent the summer writing the homework/small group questions for the year, and I am so excited for the encouragement and conviction that will come from this study. In addition, we are stepping up our accountability to require more from us, knowing that God wants us to be progressing forward.
God has used this group tremendously. It is such a blessing that I sometimes feel guilty for enjoying it so much. I cannot wait for this year to start in order to see where God is leading the group.
You can learn more about Thrive at the Compass Bible Church website: and clicking on the link to the marriage ministry or by joining Facebook and viewing our group site: Thrive marriage ministry on the Facebook network.
Hebrews 10:24-25
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
Sounds like a truly amazing ministry! Our small group starts up again this week and we are going to ask that our members seek to grow towards becoming leaders themselves and more responsible for where our group will go this year. It's easy to become complacent when we as the leaders are doing everything for the group and yet that is not what God calls us to be. Also sounds like a wonderful topic.
Thank you both for your wonderful commitment and servant heart as you lead our group. We love Thrive and since joining the marriage group 8 years ago..have found amazing friends and most important an incredible and deepening faith in God!
I'm so glad Thrive is starting this week!
YAY Thrive!!!!!!!!
I cannot agree with you more about this ministry. With our schedule the way it is this is our lifeline to fellowship, it's where we are real with each other, where we are prayed for and grow in prayer for others, we are fed solid biblical truths and we have SO much fun. Thank you more than words can say Hawleys, Gilmores and other leaders for Thrive. Thank you God for such a group as this!!!
See you tomorrow night. :) :)
Chiara, first of all the picture of the group is hilarious! I clicked on it, and it's too funny! Second of all, I hope that Thrive starts out so well for you this year. May more couples come to a deeper relationship with Jesus because of this ministry. May your year be blessed! Keep pressing on!
Love, kate
I agree, Chiara. It's definitely been a huge blessing in our lives
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