Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A New Induction Date--Sunday, the 8th

A couple of days ago, I was doing my read through the Bible study and came across this Proverbs: "The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps." (16:9) I certainly felt this Proverb in action this last weekend. I had BIG plans for the week ahead, and God was going to change them.

Friday night, Carter started coughing--A LOT--and by Saturday, he had a bad cough. Monday morning, he added a fever and goopy nose into the mix. Monday, I also came down with a sore throat, stuffy nose and small fever. On a normal day, this wouldn't be the end of the world. However, I was planning to be induced and have a baby on Tuesday.

I had a bad attitude over the weekend. I saw the handwriting on the wall and knew that Tuesday would either not work or would be far from ideal. By, Monday, though, I just wanted to rest in God's plan. I was tired of being grumpy about it and just let go. The doctor rescheduled my induction for Sunday, the 8th; Carter is on antibiotics; and I'm resting and praying for a recovery from this cold by Sunday. I felt, and still feel, tremendous peace in the decision and in resting in God's plan.

I don't know why God changed our plans--perhaps Micah needed more time in me, perhaps the nurses on duty wouldn't be ideal, and perhaps He just wanted to prune me a bit with a growth in trust and patience. Whatever it is, I know He is faithful and I am wise to submit to His plans. If you would like to pray for us, pray we are healthy for an induction on Sunday morning. I know whatever happens, God has a plan that is bigger and better than mine, and He will use it for His glory. Plus, I know that baby Micah is worth the wait!


Seagers said...

Chiara, thanks for being honest in your struggles, yet showing us how you truly depend on the Lord for everything! I love seeing you lead by example! Thanks!

Amy Kaylor Photography said...

You are showing the love of God this week through your trust in Him. Hang in there!!!

Jill said...

That's the same age my son was when we had our 2nd - unfortunately he wasn't potty trained either. I pray all goes well on the 8th!!