If you are reading this post, you are partaking in one of my creative outlets--writing. It is no secret in my family that I like to be creative. When I was little, I loved to sing, play the piano and draw. As I got older, I liked dance, which I used in cheerleading and drill team. I've dabbled in decorating, sewing, knitting, sketching, music, dance, cooking, gardening, painting, and just about every creative outlet. Often, however, my attention span isn't long for anything. Once I figure out how to do something, I move to my next challenge. My favorites are probably writing, sketching, and cooking. However, I've decided to try another new area. Due to my active kiddos and my affinity for trying new things, I've decided to save up for a DSLR camera. I love to take pictures with my point and shoot, especially portrait pictures. However, the P&S camera has obvious limitations, especially with two active boys who hold poses for .2 seconds. I'm very excited about my future purchase, and I'll see how well I do with it. If you have any camera suggestions or suggestions about photography, leave me a comment!
Oh, how wonderful!!! I would love to have a DSLR. They take such good photos! I don't know much about them, but if you go to www.digitalscrapbookplace.com and go to the photography forum, the ladies there are super helpful and know TONS about cameras.
We just recently got our camera, still trying to figure out how to use it. I can see the huge benefits of actually getting pictures of the kids.
I think I need to take a class or something, so many settings!
I got my camera--the Nikon D3000. I'm pouring over the guidebook and instructions. I am determined to use this to its full potential!
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