For those of you just joining this blog, I have begun a weekly practice of acknowledging a person who has blessed me or others. I am relying on the command of scripture to encourage one another and build one another up. (I Thessalonians 5:11)
I have only known Rebecca Millsap well for the past year or so, but she is the kind of person with whom an impact is made upon you right away. Anyone reading this who knows Rebecca, will agree she deserves accolades. She has such a servant's heart!
To begin the list of things Rebecca does is quite an undertaking. I know I will leave something out, but here are things I have noticed. Rebecca is faithful and commited. She comes to every Women's Bible Study meeting and Thrive (marriage ministry) meeting on time and ready to help. At Women's Bible Study, she organizes all the prayer requests, sending out e-mail prompts every week. She then accumulates every prayer request, summarizes them and sends them to the group. In addition, she organized all the mom's Wednesday morning get togethers this summer--sending out directions, ideas and reminders.
Rebecca has, out of her own initiation, started the monthly tradition of organizing "moms' night out". She sends out e-vites, makes sure the invite list goes to any mom she can think of to include and attends the events with a smile. It is such a treat to get together with other moms from church and enjoy time without the kiddies. This would never happen without Rebecca.
At Thrive, she was always early to allow her husband to play on the worship team. This caused her to have to watch her 1 and a half year old while trying to help set up and eat dinner. She also worked in the Toddler room every other Thursday, a job that was thankless and hard. She and her husband are going to be group leaders at Thrive next year, AND she has commited to being in charge of the CARE ministry for Thrive--a job at which she will excel. She has already looked into sending flowers, buying cards and creating a meals ministry.
Rebecca helps out with the Navigating Motherhood ministry at church. Last year, when it was MOPS, she worked in childcare every Friday. She didn't say, " I already have a toddler. I need a ministry where I am not working with kids." Many women enjoyed MOPS because it was serving AND an opportunity to fellowship and take a breather from the kids. Rebecca sacrificially served without getting a break or allowing herself chat time with the other women. She is helping witness to others and bring them to Navigating Motherhood by handing out flyers at malls, the theaters or, even, swim lessons. She uses every opportunity to reach out to others.
Rebecca has served in children's ministries for over a year, helping out in the nursery and toddler room. She always did this with a good attitude and little complaining. She FINALLY allowed herself a break from this to allow rest before her second chld and new son, Christian, is born in 8 weeks.
Rebecca sang on the worship team at Women's Bible Study, getting there early and practicing while watching her one year old.
I know there are so many more little "unnoticed" tasks Rebecca does that I am forgetting. You can see from my list, however, she is amazing. In addition, she is a wonderful friend and sister-in-Christ. I know I can tell her anything, and she will Biblically admonish or encourage me with love. I have found a wonderful blessing in becoming her friend.
Truly Christ's love is found in her actions and attitude. I John 4:7-8 says,
"Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and everyone who
loveth is born of God and knoweth God. He who loveth not, knoweth not God
for God is love."
1 comment:
Good job, Rebecca. Let me echo my wife's complements. You are an amazing servant at Thrive and all the other ministries that you are involved in.
I didn't know you sang...
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