First, she tongue-in-cheekly blames the Fred Rogers, of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, who told every listening child they were special. Next, she diatribes the media and birth of MySpaces, YouTubes and reality TV, which can make a nobody a superstar. Finally, she ends with a dig at education, which teaches too much autonomy and worries too much about building self-esteem and making kids feel unique and precious.
Though this columnist is long on theory and short on Biblical truth, she brings up an important problem with our society. We have taught people to shirk responsibility, look for an easy way to success, stomp on others to put yourself first, and, as the Revlon commercial states, to say, "I'm worth it."
So where does the problem lie? As with all imperfections, the root of the problem is sin. Our society has strayed from the commandments of our God, our Creator. The world has turned the example of Jesus Christ upside down. Christ told us in Mark 10:43-45,
"Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be
your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even
the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as
a ransom for many."
Because many adults and children are all about getting ahead and serving themselves, these verses might sound archaic or okay in "theory." However, as followers of Christ, we must not theorize on Christ's example. We must act upon it.
When was the last time you sacrificed your free time to make a phone call to a friend in need? Have you recently allowed others to go ahead of you in a line? Are you willing to go see a movie your spouse prefers and not mention the movie you'd been waiting to see? Ladies, do you meet your spouse with a hug and encouraging words at the end of the day, waiting until a better time to complain about any defects to your day? As Pastor Bobby mentioned, do you serve to a point where you are sacrificing for God, or do you hold back and worry about burnout?
Start a habit of being a slave to others. You will be amazed at the benefits you receive in your new attitude and outlook. God knows what is best and what we should be doing to serve others around us. He was the ultimate slave of all.
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