Thursday, October 2, 2008


As most of you can gather from my lack of new posts, life has been hectic this last week. Last week, I celebrated my birthday on Tuesday. We were able to spend the afternoon and evening with friends from out of town on Wednesday. On Thursday, I came down with a cold that--due to my run-down body--has turned into over a week of coughing and sinus infections. On Friday, my dad had surgery for his prostate and, thankfully, has been able to recover slowly, and well, at home since Saturday. Sunday, my father-in-law had a bicycle accident and landed in the emergency room with five broken ribs, a broken clavicle and a scatched or punctured lung. On Tuesday of this week, we received all new bedroom furniture, which required that I pack up all of our bedroom on Monday. In all of this, we have had to continue our normal weekly responsibilities of leading a ministry at church, parenting a two year old and dealing with pregnancy nausea and fatigue.

During this time, my attitude has not always been great, but I am aiming to focus on Christ's sovereignty and the honor of representing Christ to others around me. As always, God has provided and given me strength for each day. None of these events is as devastating as what some friends are facing currently, and I know it. God faithfully puts my struggles in perspective and keeps me striving for a thankful heart in all circumstances.

How easily we get overwhelmed! Life is messy and hard sometimes, but God doesn't change with the circumstances. He is in control. He is still my Redeemer and King. His promises do not change, and He still requires holy obedience from me.

Thank you, LORD, that you show me Your strength in my weakness. Thank you for being the Rock that is higher than I.

Psalm 139:7-8 "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, And Your right hand will save me. The LORD will accomplish what concerns me; Your lovingkindness, O LORD, is everlasting; Do not forsake the works of You hands."


Amy Kaylor Photography said...

What a week! You need some Calgon right about now. Hope you are able to rest now for a time and that the Dad's fully recover. Great verse too by the way!

Rebecca Millsap said...

Reading over this...I see so many answered prayers! You're feeling better, your Dad's feeling better...your father in law is feeling better...and didn't you mention the new bedroom furniture is in? :) I know the old bedroom furniture went!

I agree, it's so easy to get overwhelmed with everything in life that needs to happen everyday! Still, God is faithful, we're not alone, He's there!

Prioritizing my tasks really helps me not to get so overwhelmed. I have a long way to go though, learning how to better manage my time so I don't feel so overwhelmed :)

I love how you write about your attitude too...that God still requires holy obedience. Often I find myself getting frustrated with all that's on my plate and I then stop and realize, that's not how God wants me to respond! I'm still growing, striving for holiness with you!!!