Friday, October 24, 2008


II Peter 1:12-15 "Therefore, I will always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them, and have been established in the truth which is present with you. I consider it right, as long as I am in this earthly dwelling, to stir you up by way of reminder, knowing that the laying aside of my earthly dwelling is imminent, as also our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. And I will also be diligent that at any time after my departure you will be able to call these things to mind."

In Women's Bible Study, we are learning about II Peter, and we just studied II Peter 1:12-15. in the prior verses, Peter reminds the church of the basic truths of Christianity. Here, he mentions his death and martyrdom is near. Instead of lamenting his own dwindling life, giving up His calling to go just spend time with his wife and family, he had an eternal perspective and wrote of how every ounce of energy left on earth would be spent in strengthening Christ's church and reminding them of Biblical truths so they would never forget.

In small group, we talked about how Peter's legacy was to reach out to other believers in order to strengthen, admonish and encourage them. He used his own past failures of anxiety, fear, denial, and lack of courage to teach others to not fall prey to these same vices.

The question was posed: What is your legacy now, and what would you like your legacy to be?

If I were perfectly honest with myself, my legacy is being busy at church, staying at home with my kids, and keeping a clean, nice house (I hope). Though those are great things, they only SCRATCH the surface of what I wish to do.

If I had to sum up my desire in one goal, it would be that my legacy to others is that God is EVERYTHING. He was the LORD of my life, and I didn't let other worries and concerns distract me from that truth. He was my number one priority. I can't say that is my legacy now.

I spend more time griping about whatever, worrying about this and that, and gabbing about kids, personal appearances and other "distractions" than I spend on REALLY discussing God with others.

Take time to think about your legacy. If people had to sum up the whole of your life, what would they say? Are you worried more about what people say about you/their external perceptions than you are about what God thinks of your actions, thoughts and attitudes?

LORD, forgive me for my weakness and sin and for not always making You my number one priority. I love You and want my legacy to be YOU. Thank you for Your mercy and the opportunities You continuously put before me to serve You!


Rebecca Millsap said...

I definitely am not at my goal! Striving for a deeper walk and stronger dependance on Him. I want to serve Him with my whole heart and serve my family and church body well. I want to love others more than myself. I wantto be an A+ wife, an encourager always! :) I desire to raise my children to know Him and love Him and want them to be saved! I want to be a tool, an instrument in leading someone to Christ, if God wills it. I want my attitudes and actions to imitate Christ more and more! Most of all I want to here 'well done good and faithful servant'!!!

Ryan Hawley said...

I went to a seminar earlier this year for work. And the whole point was that it is never too early to think about your legacy.

Well, if this is true for work, how much more so for us Christians. We should always be thinking about our legacy and what we are doing for God in this life. In this way we will be storing up treasures for ourselves in heaven.