Monday, March 3, 2008


Ryan and I watched an old movie about a poet this weekend. It inspired me in an area I have not practiced in a LONG time. I was an English major in college, and I always enjoyed writing poems and stories. I have no proper sense of meter, rhythm and proper construction, but the creative expression is what always made me happy. I have old binders from elementary school which are filled with poems and stories. I'm not going to be publishing anything anytime in the near future, but I wrote two poems these past two days, and I thought I'd share. One rhymes and one is just free verse.


The scattered, fallen, and restless leaves tiptoe in symphony,

Ushered into place by the pressing, urgent breeze.

The cacophonous melody of nature's orchestra,

Searching for a key, fills the audience--

the shrill flute of birds,

the booming drums of the sea billows,

the violin strains of the dancing trees under the tired bow of the Western Wind.

Suddenly, all is still. The audience waits.

A brilliant purple and orange glow spills from the stage.

In one perfect note, the performance begins and ends.

The light fades to black, and the music softly dies.

The silent applause of the slowly waking stars, to the Maker of all--the conductor of life,
is deafening.


Life can be hard, an uphill climb, trials to face each day.

I carried this worry all through my life, pretending that I was okay.

God whispered to me, "Let ME be in control. Bend your knee to me.

I can carry that load. I can give you life--life more abundantly.

Stubborn as I am, I endured the goads, stumbling under the load I bore.

I pridefully lived as I thought best, until I could take no more.

With tears on my face, my sin smothering me, I finally bent my knee.

"Forgive me God! Be in control. Be Lord and Redeemer to me."

He gently whispered, "Daughter of mine. From your sin, you are now set free.

I chose you to be saved, redeemed and cleansed before I suffered on Calvary."

Now I live for Him alone. I remember the sin that was once mine to bear,

So thankful I laid it at the cross, forever in Christ's loving care.

Each day He reminds me that I am free. His Word promises grace.

I repent of my weakness and worship His strength, aching for the Day I will see His face.


Shannon said...

I really like your poems, Chiara! Thanks for sharing--something about poetry always makes me feel ultra vulnerable when I share it. Like you, I used to write a lot of poetry but haven't in a while. I think you inspired me to sit down and give it a try again...

Amy Kaylor Photography said...

Beautiful, simply beautiful.

Rebecca Millsap said...

The words you write "stumbling under the load I bore" and "my sin, smothering me" are such a powerful reminder of how Great God's grace is towards us and how much in need of a savior we are.
I love learning new words from your blogs and comments too!
Cacophonous- A harsh or discordant sound.
impetus- A moving force, impulse, momentum, spur, boost.

I wish I had such talent! Thank you for sharing!

Jennifer Gray said...

Wow Chiara! I love how the trend right now seems to be the women in our lives digging into their creative sides. It's so fun to see what everyone does. Your poetry is beautiful! I had no idea. Thank you for sharing that. I, like Rebecca, loved the line about stumbling under the load." It's such a great picture of how stubborn we can be. Thank you for the reminder!!

Dave and Kate said...

chiara, you have written such beautiful poems. wow. the sunset poem paints such a picturesque image of God's hand in his creation. the daughter one is so humbling and so open of you to share. God has blessed you with such a talent!!! love, katie

Ryan Hawley said...

Wow! Very impressive! I've got just about zero poetry knowledge, but that sounded pretty good to me. I liked the part about the stars giving their applause to God!